Week Twenty ~Vibrating Higher and Higher..

As time goes by, I am knowing success to be the unfoldment of my Four Dimensional Higher Self.  Four dimensional meaning visions of events in time, in my short term future come to me. It’s the self who is connected to Inspiration.  The self who is governed by the Great Law and all things are possible.

I know that when I lose, sacrifice is right, and the sooner I identify my mistake the sooner I can correct it and the sooner I can put right causes in action. I don’t worry about the effects, the Great Law of Love and Harmony sees to that.

Sacrifice is right, only when I walk the wrong path. Otherwise all my thoughts and actions are an investment in Life.  Digging a hole to plant a seed is work..but if it yields a good harvest, it is an investment. Winning over my shortcomings is work.. but if it yields a satisfying harvest, it is an investment.

Being True to the real me, knowing the real me.. is my single most win. It is Harmony. I repeat this Eternal verity: By the Great Law, mine is an Inspired life. I am governed by my Higher Self.

Love, the Power of Attraction is the governing power. I must align myself. Into Thy Hands I place myself.

Thank You, thank You, thank You.

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