Category Archives: Master Key Experience

Week Twenty three ~ Self Existent ~

I have acquired some new habits which will be mine for the rest of my life.  Through these new habits I have learned “the secret” of habit.  They make or break us.

“Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.”  ~ Benjamin Franklin

Everything vibrates, energy is transformed and cannot be destroyed.  Our habits are the energy that dances between what are  Eternal Principals and what we value.

So recognizing our personal pivotal values and aligning them with Principals will eventually make clear what behaviors will bring us happiness.  Making those behaviors fit easily into a routine will bring us harmony.

All causes are invisible, they are thoughts, they are the Spiritual.  All effects are visible, they are the material, the manifest.

Bottom line: Good habits make life easier, bad ones make life harder. Our subconscious mind will determine our habits until we DECIDE to live CONSCIOUSLY.

To look at the outside from within, we are a soul with a body meant to serve it.  Only God is self existent.

Thank You, thank You, thank You.

Week Twenty-Two ~ Realizing Harmony

Spring follows winter, day follows night, the weeks and months never fail to come as expected.  Children get older, grand babies are born, divorces happen, marriages happen, funerals happen and it all happens over and over again.

The Great Law, immutable in midst of unceasing changes, immovable in midst of eternal motion.  We align with It or break ourselves against It.

I believe we exist to make the most of ourselves, to render our best to God and Humankind alike. That requires a rising above all that will happen anyway, and carry on with “right thinking” so that we get closer and closer to our perfect Higher Self. Cause and Effect is constantly happening since the same Law works everywhere all the time. Causes are invisible, effects are visible.

I believe I rest my will and be an open channel so that the will of my Higher Self, which is part of The One Eternal Soul be done.

All that comes to me is for my good. What do I learn? Thank You, thank You, thank You. Mine is an inspired life. I dare and do. I am harmonious.

Life is manifesting, life is unfolding… harmoniously.

Week Twenty one ~ Life by The Great Law

Life,  Mind, Truth, Love, Spirit is All in All.  This is the Universal Mind.  Available to All who are willing to make the  conscious effort to connect to it.

The same Law governs always everything, everywhere, in the same way, from the greatest to the smallest.  Makes it simple, doesn’t it?

Everything vibrates.  Explains how our thoughts manifest whether we intend them to or not.

These three are the Laws of the Absolute.  The only ones Immutable.

Sometimes all we have to do is be an open channel for The Great Law to work through. Sometimes big changes happen  to accommodate Harmony .  Harmoniously people can gravitate in and gravitate out.  Sometimes things work out and we don’t even notice how until after.

What I do now, as I go through my days, is recognize that by The Great Law,  all that comes to me is for my good, what do I learn? Mine is an Inspired Life.  I just can not help it, I am so happy and so thankful.

Week Twenty ~Vibrating Higher and Higher..

As time goes by, I am knowing success to be the unfoldment of my Four Dimensional Higher Self.  Four dimensional meaning visions of events in time, in my short term future come to me. It’s the self who is connected to Inspiration.  The self who is governed by the Great Law and all things are possible.

I know that when I lose, sacrifice is right, and the sooner I identify my mistake the sooner I can correct it and the sooner I can put right causes in action. I don’t worry about the effects, the Great Law of Love and Harmony sees to that.

Sacrifice is right, only when I walk the wrong path. Otherwise all my thoughts and actions are an investment in Life.  Digging a hole to plant a seed is work..but if it yields a good harvest, it is an investment. Winning over my shortcomings is work.. but if it yields a satisfying harvest, it is an investment.

Being True to the real me, knowing the real me.. is my single most win. It is Harmony. I repeat this Eternal verity: By the Great Law, mine is an Inspired life. I am governed by my Higher Self.

Love, the Power of Attraction is the governing power. I must align myself. Into Thy Hands I place myself.

Thank You, thank You, thank You.

Week Nineteen ~ Security..

So now that I am securely on this Common Sense Spiritual journey and wonders abound around me, why am I experiencing frustration?  Why now, when Cause and Effect proceed with such mathematical precision, faith is a feeling of peace and knowing?

When I feel so loved I feel like I am home for the first time in my life…when peace and harmony are more plentiful than ever..

Maybe, I am acutely aware of how I can “throw good after bad.”

So that’s my many sweet little manifestations all around and I just wish I had known this years ago.

Yes, I’ve already been through this. This is another level.

I keep my written “gratitudes and happies” on a continuing page with dates where I can see them all day long.  I have begun recognizing myself, when people are only protecting themselves or comforting themselves and not meaning to be offensive.  I have begun seeking 5 minutes of Silence here and there, in addition to my morning and routine.

So, I just remain open minded and keep observing, and let the Great Law of Attraction work.  I repeat the Eternal verity “All that comes to me is for my good” and sing thank You, thank You, thank You.

Week Eighteen ~ what we inherently are..

The Law of Growth, the Law of  Compensation, the Law of Vibration, all Laws within the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is the Truth we live. It is observable in our environment.

All of this “thought” completely places responsibility for our environment on us and the difference in our individual lives is “largely measured by the degree of [Omnipotent Intelligence] we manifest” which gives the power to adjust ourselves to our environment.

What we inherently are is the wealth that we are. Affluence within, affluence without.  By now we know that isn’t a secret.

My 22 year old daughter came by tonight and took material home with her to study.  She has been observing and picking up things from me and sharing with her younger cousin. Now, she is taking her own responsibility to learn, taking responsibility for her own building to freedom, strength and happiness.

This is one of my dreams come true..thank You, thank You, thank You..

Week Seventeen A ~ Flows through me..

Self discovery…soul searching….soul developing…

World harmonizing..

I will be on this path forever, for it is a beautiful  journey …and I will share this  with many..

I have found a beautiful, common sense Spirituality that needs no faith, just an open mind..and discipline, until it becomes a pleasure to perform. Then, it is as if it is effortless. Things just happen with an “easy knack”.  As I lay claim to my peace of mind and to my harmonious world I give others the impetus to do the same.

It is the Law of Compensation.  If I require peace of mind, I become it, and offer service to others to have their own peace of mind.  If I require a harmonious world, I become it, and offer service to others to have their own harmonious world.  “Power to him who power exerts”.  The more that I become what I desire, the more I can give so the more I have.  Simple common sense.

All that comes to us is for our good.  Welcome problems, discouragements and heartaches, if we handle them with thanksgiving we learn the lesson, we get inventive, we advance. Then they are transmuted into blessings.  Play the game,  experiment and observe.  This is provable. This is practical.  It is science.

In the Silence sublime peace, power and harmony flows through me.

Week Seventeen ~ Aha..

Sometimes when we have a significant “aha” (for lack of a better word) moment, we remember the date as if it were a significant event.

I have experienced 2 “aha’s” during this course, so far.

The first one was when my sit became transcendent, November 10. That was when all that was familiar to me shifted for ever more.

The second one was when I realized who I really was, January 17.

Let me explain. The Color Code Personality analysis I took at the beginning of our course seemed truly like me. I am someone who’s childhood is a distant hazy memory. I know my answers were quick without much deliberation since I often decide quickly, throwing caution to the wind since if I want to “I can always self correct”. I took that test with the intention of getting it done.

I had the opportunity to attend a Color Code webinar the week before this one and being a slow processor, my realization came after several nights sleep and morning Sits.

All that comes to us is for our good.  If we are thankful for even the smallest annoyances all the way to the scariest confrontations, thankful with the will if not the emotions, we advance. Counter intuitive for sure, it is not the way of the world.

Consciously fill ourselves with love and all we that require for our good comes to us. Concentrate on harmony and life harmonizes. That is why I received the opportunity, that is why I took the opportunity. That is how life is harmonizing and balancing…for the first time…effortlessly…

In the Silence, I deliver myself into the loving arms of Universal Mind.


Week Sixteen ~ By Design..

Or default..

The great business of life is “thinking”.

Scientific thinking, mathematically correct words, spiritual power. The highest form of architecture.  By practice of this we design our circumstances, conditions, environment and destiny.

Otherwise, we default.  Who would believe that any and all words not identified with our best interests are erroneous and or destructive?

Someone who knows to observe.

So why wouldn’t we declare that we are Nature’s greatest miracle? Why wouldn’t we consider all our problems, discouragements, and heartaches to be great opportunities in disguise?

All the Natural Laws work in solemn silence and everything appears to just happen. We, who are taking this course know better!

Love is once the the Law and it’s manifestation. It is the power of attraction for all that we ask for. A couple of new things have come into my life and the only thing I can say is they are great opportunities because everything is no matter what! I have never in my life felt so sublime, so at peace and so loved.

Thank You, thank You, thank You..

Week Fifteen ~ Invincible Power

Oh, I’m a believer.

Thoughts are things, they’re endowed with bodies, breath and wings.  Especially those which are clothed in words. Words which are uttered with vitality for sure.

No telling how soon or not words crystallize on the physical plane but since I know it, I see it happening everywhere. Do you not?

We certainly better not have a heated discussion and ask for something. That something  somehow will materialize.  So we better want it!

Haanel says “The subconscious cannot reason. It takes us at our word, we have asked..we are now to receive..we have made our bed…now lie in it; the die has been cast; the threads  (ie; string theory) will carry out the pattern we have made.”

Sounds pretty serious and now I am a believer in String Theory.  I’ve been observing it happening to others as well as myself. I’ve seen in hindsight as well as a design or two carried out, more than enough to make me know accuracy with words is the making or the breaking.

Saying our DMP aloud with vitality makes sense.  All the little pieces come together eventually, little by little. How exciting!

So we must apply determined, conscious effort to concentrate on Insight, to have that accuracy with words. That being said, I’ve come up with a couple more affirmations for when I need to calm down and when I need to get motivated: “I love Us, I love Us, I love Us, thank You, thank You, thank You”  and “I advance no matter what” and “I love to set and exceed smart goals”. Been working wonders for me this week.